Here is a short list of the very best personal finance blogs on the internet. All of these websites are constructed entirely of Excellence. They are so good I read every post in their archives. Each author has found a way to retire in under 10 years with fairly normal human level salaries and has insightful things to say about getting to financial freedom.

Mr Money Mustache

If I was marooned on a deserted island ... with limited bandwidth and could only read one blog, this is the one I would choose. I recommend reading this blog from first post to last. Mr Money Mustache introduced me to the idea of early retirement. Before that I was adrift, completely uninterested and wanted to spend the rest of my life working. His persuasive upbeat writing will blow your mind on the subject of retirement. And thats pretty hard to do considering how boring the subject is.

Defining post: The shockingly simple math behind early retirement

Lacking Ambition

My favorite thing about Lacking Ambition is the thoughtful exploration of the philosophy of work, money, and time. Its also the story of how one guy found financial independence through real estate and frugality. I recommend reading it from the beginning.

Defining post: A year alone in the desert

Early Retirement Extremist

ERE was the best and most popular writer in the early retirement community for a long time. Unfortunately he no longer blogs but I definately found it worth my time to pore over his old posts.

Defining post: How I live on 7000 per year

Any other great blogs that I should know about?


